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Upper Arlington Princesses
Established in 1960

Become Part of the Tradition
Founded by the YMCA in 1926

Snow Tubing

Location: Snow Trails Ski & Tubing Resort

Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 5-7 pm

Snow Trails

This will be our fifth winter in a row at Snow Trails. Like last year, we will be cohosting the Snow Trails tubing hill along with the Scioto Longhouse (aka the UA guides) There will be bottomless hot chocolate available from the snack shop, and all other items from the snack shop will be available for purchase.  We will be splitting the cost evenly between the longhouses, please only register with one group if you are a member of both the guides and princesses. They are enforcing a strict limit of 150 total people, and since both groups will be registering their members for the event, this means only the first 45 families to sign up will be able to join in the fun. The cost to participate is $20 per person, please register here: Snow Tubing at Snow Trails - 2/19/2025


OSU Women's Hockey Event and Pizza Party

Varsity Club and OSU Ice Rink

Saturday February 22nd, 2025 (Varsity Club 1:00pm, Puck Drops 3:00 pm)

OSU Women's Hockey - 2/22/2025

The reigning national champion Ohio State Women's Hockey Team is facing off against St. Cloud State

Meet at The Varsity Club at 1PM for pizza, soft drinks and memories.

Depart for the OSU Ice Rink at 2:45pm to get seated. Puck drops at 3:00pm.

There's a limit to the number of folks that can sign up for this event because the hockey team is so good that OSU has decided to sell tickets to their games rather than give away the seats. We have a block of tickets available on a first come, first served basis.

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Six Aims of the Indian Princess

1) To be clean in body and pure in heart 
2) To be Friends Forever with my Dad/Daughter 
3) To love the sacred circle of my family 
4) To be attentive while others speak 
5) To love my neighbor as myself 
6) To seek and preserve the beauty of Nature's work in forest, field, and stream


The Indian Princesses has a long history of bringing fathers and daughters together for life enriching experiences. This history dates back to 1926, and the Olentangy Longhouse dates back to 1960. We are the oldest and largest group in Upper Arlington. 

"Friends Always"

Indian Princesses are grades Kindergarten through 5th grade

Trail Mates are 6th through 8th grade

Please use the 'Credit Card' option for submitting payment through the website. New members and renewals use this link:

Sign up / renew here

For more information please contact:

Big Chief Thirsty Owl: Cliff Boyden